I can't believe how fast time goes by when you are too busy to stop and watch it much. We had a good break, but it seems now like it went by way too quickly. We had Jenni's mother and sister come up for a week after christmas, and we went to Vancouver, British Columbia on a wild hair for an overnighter. That was quite an interesting experience. Now school is getting in full swing, and our kids can't seem to stay well for more than a week or two inbetween bouts with some kind of bug. Ryan is getting more daring on pulling himself up on things and moving around; I think he will be walking within a month and a half, but who knows; when he's ready, he will. He managed to cut all 4 front teeth in at once too, so he hasn't entirely been his normal happy self of late. also Katie is back in preschool and loving it. she always tells us she did, "all kinds of stuff," when we ask her what she did at school that day. She thinks its neat that she gets to go to school just like dad does.
Jenni picked up another newspaper route on Saturday, but is quitting the one on Tuesday (thank heaven) and I am in school and trying to stay on top of it all. this is a very busy semester as, once its over, we will be going into the school's clinics to be seeing real patients. That still seems unreal to me, but I guess it will happen. I also am translating Spanish once a week in one of the clinics, so that has been a good experience to see the intern/patient interaction. Other than that, there's not much to tell. I just study and practice all day and night, and Jenn takes care of the family and does a good job. As much as I dislike the pressures of school, I would rather have to be a student forever than have to be a stay-at-home dad; sometimes I'm climbing the walls after just a couple of hours. maybe that explains why most of the women I know are a little nuts. (I mean that in the best way possible too.)